h-index or Hirsch index. The h-index is a metric that focuses on the productivity and citation impact of individual scientists' work. It is calculated by ranking a scientist's papers by the number of citations they have received. The point at which the ranking and citation frequency are identical is the author's h-index.
23 Mar 2018 Ian Rowlands hammers another nail into the h-index's coffin by explaining and is invariably smaller, because papers vary in terms of their impact. is that chance factors, quite unrelated to quality, can play a
Because only the most highly cited articles contribute to the h -index, its determination is a simpler process. Under certain conditions, this can lead to a false increase or decrease of the h-index. Advantage of h-index. Evaluates both qualitatively (impact factor or citations) and quantitatively (number of articles) and does not have the disadvantages of other ranking indices such as counting the total number of articles or the total number of citations.
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2020-09-04 · Although the H-index is a better measure than a citation impact factor, it is still based on the opinions of other authors. Therefore, it should not be used in isolation. Performance in the research environment is more intricate than just publication history. 2021-02-10 · H5-index "It is the largest number h such that h articles published in [the past 5 years] have at least h citations each". Thus, an H5-index of 60 means that that journal has published 60 articles in the previous 5 years that have 60 or more citations each. For further information please visit the individual websites of Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS, CWTS, SJR, Scimago H Index, and Google Scholar Metrics.
Understanding Research Metrics: Impact Factor, Altmetrics, and H-index. With the constant increase in journals and publishers, measuring the impact of
However, several limitations of the h-index have also been remarked: Impact Factor, h-Index, and Alternative Metrics: How Should We Measure the Impact of Publications in Plastic Surgery? Boyd CJ, King TW. Plast Reconstr Surg, 147(5):901e-902e, 01 May 2021 Cited by: 0 articles | PMID: 33878101 The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar.
Then the Impact factor of the Journal should be (1298/541)= 2.40 IF. How H-Index is calculated? The h-index is a factor determining both the quantity and quality of a scientist’s research output. The h- index is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by the number of actions these publications received.
Use/download data: This method relies on usage data such as the number of downloads for an article to help determine impact. Journal impact factor: h-index 1.
The h-index recognises both the impact of a journal and the number of papers published.
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In case you are unfamiliar with these measures, impact factor is basically the mean number of citations to articles that were published in the past 2 years; H-index is the largest number h such that h articles have at least h citations each.
impact factors, and h-index) are often used in research evaluation, literature mapping, article, conference paper), reference type (e.g., journal vs.
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A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np-h) papers have no more than h citations each. As a result the h-index provides a combination of both quantity (number of papers) and quality (impact, or citations to these papers) (Glänzel, 2006).
• The h-index can be easily obtained by anyone with access to the Thomson ISI Web of Science and in addition it is easy to understand. However, several limitations of the h-index have also been remarked: Journal impact index: The same as the impact factor, except that it also takes into account journals not included in the Web of Science.
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In case you are unfamiliar with these measures, impact factor is basically the mean number of citations to articles that were published in the past 2 years; H-index is the largest number h such that h articles have at least h citations each.
Being bound at the upper limit only by total productivity, h-index favours older and more productive authors and journals. 2014-08-11 2021-04-20 In scholarly and scientific publishing, altmetrics are non-traditional bibliometrics proposed as an alternative or complement to more traditional citation impact metrics, such as impact factor and h-index. The term altmetrics was proposed in 2010, as a generalization of article level metrics, and has its roots in the #altmetrics hashtag. Although altmetrics are often thought of as metrics about articles, they can … For further information please visit the individual websites of Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS, CWTS, SJR, Scimago H Index, and Google Scholar Metrics.
In terms of the first, we used the recently introduced h-index (Hirsch, 2005) and g-index (Egghe, 2006) to measure journal impact rather than the ISI Journal Impact Factor (JIF). In terms of the second, we used Google Scholar instead of the ISI Web of Knowledge as our data source.
It is calculated by ranking a scientist's papers by the number of citations they have received. The point at which the ranking and citation frequency are identical is the author's h-index. Field-Weighted Citation Impact takes into account the differences in research behavior across disciplines. Sourced from SciVal, this metric indicates how the number of citations received by a researchers publications compares with the average number of citations received by all other similar publications indexed in the Scopus database. 2014-05-01 · The cumulative impact factor does not take into account the fact that a sci- entist’s most influential papers (i.e., those with the highest number of citations) are often published in journals with a relatively low impact factor. The h-index does not suffer from any of these shortcomings. Impact Factor (IF) •Impact factor = the ratio of citation (in particular year) to citable items published (in the two previous years) •ค ำนวณโดยใช้ข้อมูลกำรอ้ำงอิงบทควำม จำก The h-index is considered a representative measurement of research impact because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited publications and of work that has not yet been cited.
h-Index. The h-index is totally different compared to impact factor as it measures a researcher or scientist performance based on his or her research publications and lifetime citations.